Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Christophe Biernacki is head of the M2 “Ingénierie Statistique et Numérique” http://mathematiques.univ-lille1.fr/Formation/ at University Lille 1.

Julien Jacques is the coordinator of the European Master on Data Mining and Knowledge Management (Université de Lyon).

Vincent Vandewalle was head of the DUT STID at IUT of University Lille 2 until June 2015.

  • Master: Christophe Biernacki, mathematical statistics, 60h, M1, Lille 1, France

  • Master: Christophe Biernacki, coaching project, 10h, M1, Lille 1, France

  • Master: Christophe Biernacki, data analysis, 97.5h, M2, Lille 1, France

  • Master: Christophe Biernacki, analysis of variance and experimental design, 22.5h, M2, Lille 1, France

  • Master: Christophe Biernacki, coaching internship, 20h, M2, Lille 1, France

  • Master: Sophie Dabo, "Spatial Statistics" 24h, M2, Lille 3, France

  • Master: Sophie Dabo, "Advanced Statistics" 24h, M2, Lille 3, France

  • Master: Sophie Dabo, "Non-prametric Statistics" 25h, M2, UGB, Senegal

  • Licence: Sophie Dabo, "Probability" , 24h, L2, Lille 3, France

  • Licence: Quentin Grimonprez, TP Probabilités, 12h, L3, Polytech'Lille, France

  • Master: Quentin Grimonprez, TP Classification Supervisée, 32h, M1, Polytech'Lille, France

  • Master: Quentin Grimonprez, TP Séries Temporelles, 14h, M2, Polytech'Lille, France

  • Licence: G. Marot, Biostatistics, 9h, L1, U. Lille 2, France

  • Master: G. Marot, Biostatistics, 45h, M1, U. Lille 2, France

  • Doctorat: G. Marot, Data Analysis with R, 24.5h, U. Lille 2, France

  • Master: B. Guedj, Statistical Learning, 10h, ENSAE ParisTech, Paris, France. 20 students.

  • Master: B. Guedj, Statistical Learning, 10h, Université de Lille, master de mathématiques, M2, parcours mathématiques et finance. 8 students.

  • Licence: S. Iovleff, Analysis and numerical methods, 28h, L1, U. Lille 1, France.

  • Licence: S. Iovleff, Linear Algebra, 74h, L1, U. Lille 1, France

  • Licence: S. Iovleff, Operational research, 28h, L2, U. Lille 1,France

  • Licence: S. Iovleff, Probability and Statistics, 32h, L3, U. Lille 1, France.

  • Master: S. Iovleff, Monte Carlo method, 30h, M1, U. Lille 1, France

  • Master: Maxime Brunin, TP du module "Modèle linéaire", 12h, M1, Polytech Lille, FRANCE.

  • Licence: V. Vandewalle, Probability, 142h, L2, U. Lille 2, France

  • Licence: V. Vandewalle, Classification, 32h, L2, U. Lille 2, France

  • Licence: V. Vandewalle, Case study and survey, 52h, L2, U. Lille 2, France

  • Licence: V. Vandewalle, Analysis, 28h, L2, U. Lille 2, France

  • Master: V. Vandewalle, Classification 34h, M1, U. Lille 1, France

  • Licence: Alain Celisse, Proba-Stat, 64h, niveau L2, université Lille, France

  • Licence: Alain Celisse, Analyse numérique, 32h, niveau L1, université Lille, France

  • Formation continue: Alain Celisse, Analyse numérique, 24h, niveau L1, université Lille, France

  • Licence: Alain Celisse, Algèbre, 68h, niveau L2, université Lille, France

  • Master: Alain Celisse, mémoire de Proba-Stat, 10h, niveau M2, université Lille, France

  • Licence: Cristian Preda, Probability, 40h, L1, Polytech'Lille, France

  • Licence: Cristian Preda, Inferential Statistics, 50h, L1, Polytech'Lille, France

  • Licence: Cristian Preda, Data Analysis, 40h, M1, Polytech'Lille, France

  • Licence: Cristian Preda, Biostatistics, 12h, M2, Polytech'LIlle, France

  • Licence: Cristian Preda, Functional data analysis, 12h, M2, Lille 1, France


  • PhD: Clément Thery, Model-based covariable decorrelation in linear regression (CorReg). Application to missing data and to steel industry, University Lille 1, defended on July 8th 2015, Christophe Biernacki.

  • PhD: Stéphane Bouka, Modélisation non-paramétrique pour des observations spatialement dépendantes, Lille 3 et USTM Dabon, 21/12/2015, Sophie Dabo, Guy-martial Nkiet

  • PhD in progress: Aladji Bassene (2011-), co-tutelle between Lille 3 (Sophie Dabo) and UGB (Sénégal) (defense, April 2016)

  • PhD in progress: Emad Drwesh (2012- )(defense, december 2016), Lille 3, Sophie Dabo, Jérôme Foncel

  • PhD in progress: Mohamed Yayaha (2012-) (defense, december 2016), Lille 3, Sophie Dabo and Aboubacar Amiri

  • PhD in progress: Mohamed Ould Yehdhih (2014-) (defense, december 2017), Lille 3, Sophie Dabo and Mohamed Attouch

  • PhD in progress: Komi Nagbe, Prévision de production et de consommation d’énergie renouvelable, septembre 2015, Julien Jacques

  • PhD in progress: Yosra Ben Slimen, Extraction de connaissances dans de gros volumes de données hétérogènes (Big Data) pour la gestion automatique des réseaux radio, juin 2015, Julien Jacques

  • PhD in progress : Florence Loingeville, Mise en place d’outils statistiques spécifiques au contrôle de procédé en analyse microbiologique, décembre 2012, Julien Jacques and Cristian Preda

  • PhD in progress : Le Li , "PAC-Bayesian Online Clustering: theory and algorithms", 01/11/2014, together with Sébastien Loustau (Université d'Angers).

  • PhD in progess: Jérémie Kellner, Processus gaussien dans les RKHS et test d'adéquation, Université de Lille, Alain Celisse and Christophe Biernacki

  • PhD in progress: Quentin Grimonprez, Sélection de variable en très grande dimension par prise en compte de la dépendance, Alain Celisse, Guillemette Marot and Julien Jacques

  • PhD in progress: Maxime Brunin, Compromis temps de calcul-précision statistique, Alain Celisse and Christophe Biernacki

  • PhD in progress: Anne-Lise Bedenel, supervised and unsupervised classification with descriptors evolving in time. Application to online comparisons of insurances, Université Lille 1, Christophe Biernacki and Lætitia Jourdan


  • PhD: Sophie Dabo has been examinator for Hassan Maatouk, Ecole of Mines of St-Etienne, 1/10/2015

  • PhD: Sophie Dabo has been examinator for Sobom Matthieu Somé, University Franche-Comté, November 16, 2015.

  • PhD: Sophie Dabo has been examinator for Abdoulaye Faye, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, december, 8, 2015.

  • PhD: Sophie Dabo has been examinator for Zahraa Salloum, University of Lyon 2, 19/1/2016

  • PhD: Julien Jacques has been referee for the PhD thesis of Amaury Labenne (Université de Bordeaux) and Henri Wallard (CNAM Paris)

  • Christophe Biernacki participated as a reviewer to 5 PhD theses and 1 HdR, and as an examinator to 1 PhD thesis and 1 HdR.

  • Critian Preda has been for the PḧD thesis of Alin Rusu (Facultatea de Matematica, Universitatea Bucuresti, June 2015).

  • Guillemette Marot was a member of an INSERM competition jury (IE number 13 BAP A)